About Lindsay Nussbaum Tutoring


Lindsay Nussbaum Tutoring and Adolescent Life Coaching is dedicated to providing an unmatched learning experience to students and youth of all ages and experience levels. Lindsay recognizes each student is an individual and strives to develop a learning environment that adapts to a student’s unique capabilities, truly fulfilling his and her highest academic potential. Lindsay Nussbaum is committed to helping people from all backgrounds reach their academic and life goals. Additionally, Lindsay seeks to create a challenging and rewarding learning environment that encourages high expectations for success, leaving students with the tools and confidence to succeed as they navigate their academic careers and personal lives.


  • Provide high-quality, experienced, and personalized academic and life coaching professionals to students of all ages in order to meet and exceed the student’s needs

  • Build fundamental and collaborative relationship with the student (and parents)

  • Develop an individualized academic or life plan for the student’s success, while promoting a safe, supportive, and caring environment

  • Openly communicate with the student’s entire family, encouraging a cohesive support system

Who We Are

Lindsay Nussbaum Tutoring and Adolescent Life Coaching is a full-service academic and life coaching organization, established to meet students’ growing educational and life needs (as well as the needs of parents of adolescents), with one-on-one tutoring, mentoring and life coaching.

Lindsay Nussbaum underwent a branding transformation after receiving her certification as an adolescent life coach during the 2018-2019 school year; she changed the name of her practice from LRN Tutoring Academy, LLC, a company she started with her brother, Ryan Nussbaum, in 2015, to Lindsay Nussbaum Tutoring and Adolescent Life Coaching; however, Lindsay’s entrepreneurial venture truly began under the name “Longhorn Tutoring, LLC” in 2008 while living in New York. Lindsay recognized the need for private tutoring services in the New York area, and took her classroom-teaching skills into the schools and homes of her students; the business grew and flourished in the Northeast until her Texas roots brought her back to her hometown of Houston.