Private Tutoring
Our private tutoring services in Houston, Texas
Lindsay Nussbaum Tutoring services students all over the Greater Houston Area and offers one-on-one and group tutoring sessions at the Lindsay Nussbaum Tutoring office, or via Zoom or FaceTime virtual meetings. Sessions are offered before school, during school, after school, evenings, some weekends, and when a student is on break. We take care of our students like nobody else, and believe in working locally, building a community, and cultivating long-term relationships.
Our clients receive a tutor who has teaching experience, and usually an advanced degree or a high level of experience, in the specific area with which the student needs guidance. Additionally, we go to great lengths to train our tutors with a coaching methodology that allows them to mentor the student completely.
Why private tutoring?
According to the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), 88 percent of parents polled said that private tutoring was beneficial to their student in some capacity. Additionally, a Newsweek poll concluded that 42 percent of Americans believe there is a "great need" for students to receive private tutoring as a result of increased demands being levied in the classroom.
Tutoring helps students maintain a routine, which provides an individual with a sense of structure and familiarity, coupled with the development of positive habits, and an increased level of efficiency, willpower, and motivation.
What sets Lindsay Nussbaum Tutoring apart?
Customized Plans
Through one-on-one or group sessions, we work closely with our students and their parents – we “put our heads together” to formulate a customized plan for our students’ academic success. Lindsay Nussbaum Tutoring academic coaches work specifically on areas the student needs reinforcing, while maintaining important concepts and skills through practice and engaging activities, catering to the student’s learning style and preferences.
Year-round, 24/7 availability
Lindsay Nussbaum Tutoring operates within the Greater Houston Area. Sessions are offered before school, during school, after school, evenings, some weekends, and when a student is on break. Our tutors are available to students when they need us. Additionally, sessions are held at our centrally-located office.
Confidence Building
Private tutoring builds confidence that can last a lifetime. Too many students may dislike or have difficulty in a subject because they do not feel confident or competent in the area. Tutoring can help break this vicious cycle, building an academic foundation that can be used in every developmental stage of life.
Interactive Initial Consultation
An interactive initial consultation with our clients allows Lindsay Nussbaum Tutoring to customize an academic plan based on each student’s particular needs. The consultation educates our professionals about learning challenges, strengths, areas of growth, and a student’s interests, that we then use to match the best academic coach to the student and family.
Top Academic Professionals
Lindsay Nussbaum Tutoring goes to great lengths to provide students the best possible academic coaches and mentors in the area. Our coaches often have degrees and/or a high level of experience in the subject in which he or she mentors. Select care is taken when pairing specific student and coach together to ensure a quality match.
Lindsay Nussbaum Tutoring Academy has extensive familiarity with both public and private school curriculums. Our decades-long educational mentoring experience allows us to effectively help our students overcome obstacles standing in the way of their academic success. Our proven techniques and track records in both public and private schools lends to our overall effectiveness.
Tools for Success
Lindsay Nussbaum Tutoring Academyy offers academic supplementary materials. Through years of experience, we have developed a series of academic resources, such as in-depth notes, PowerPoints, audio files, visuals, charts, "active readings," and many other supplemental resources that further assist students in gaining a deeper understanding of the coursework.
Summer Programming
Lindsay Nussbaum Tutoring Academy offers a variety of summer programs, ensuring a student continues cultivating strong academic habits during the summer months, making for a seamless transition back to school in the fall.
Pre-K and Elementary Education Tutors
Preschool and elementary school is a time of important developmental advances that establish children’s sense of identity. During these years, children make strides towards adolescence and ultimately adulthood by becoming competent, independent, self-aware, and involved in the world beyond their families. Biological and cognitive changes transform children’s bodies and minds. Social relationships and roles change dramatically as children enter school, join programs, and become involved with peers and adults outside their families (i.e. teachers and tutors). Lindsay Nussbaum tutors embrace this role and further aid in the accelerated cognitive growth of our students during this developmental stage of their lives.
Middle School and High School Education Tutors
Middle and high school students display a wide range of individual and intellectual development, as their minds expand to the capacity for abstract thought. Given what we know about brain development and the other changes taking place in the young adolescent and teenager, Lindsay Nussbaum Tutoring Academy tutors can improve student learning by doing the following things:
Assist with the presentation of limited amounts of new information, to accommodate the short-term memory;
Provide opportunities for students to process and reinforce the new information and to connect the new information with previous learning;
Provide a learning environment that is varied, with an emphasis on involvement and achieving a study standard. Brain stimulus is made stronger and with less resistance if they are reinforced with a variety of stimuli;
Challenge our students through lessons and activities that require problem solving and critical thinking. Brain growth is enhanced and strengthened through practice and exercise.
University Level Tutors
Many challenges can be expected when making the transition from high school to college. Young adults usually have a level of autonomy they’ve rarely experienced before, and the myriad of distractions can often become insurmountable. Lindsay Nussbaum Tutoring Academy believes there are three specific areas in which our tutors can better help a student focus and prepare him or herself:
A university-level student must take more initiative than ever before and know when to ask for help. Seeking the appropriate assistance sooner, rather than later, often makes this unique transition more palatable. Our tutors offer expert guidance and mentorship during what can be a turbulent academic period in a student’s life.
Self-discipline is an essential ingredient to a successful college campaign. Despite what many may think, self discipline is a learned behavior and we have the experience and knowledge to help students develop this crucial skill.
Many college students face the realization that their previous academic preparation was not at the level it needed to be in order to perform academically at the college level.
Tutors for Students with Disabilities
A learning disability is a disability that affects how an individual of average to above average intelligence processes information. A learning disability cannot be cured; it is a lifelong issue. With the right support, however, students with learning disabilities often succeed in school and can go on to successful and distinguished collegiate and professional careers.
Facts about Learning Disabilities:
One in seven Americans, has some type of learning disability, according to the National Institutes of Health.
Learning disabilities should not be confused with other disabilities such as autism, intellectual disability, deafness, blindness, and behavioral disorders. None of these conditions are learning disabilities.
Attention disorders, such as Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and learning disabilities often occur at the same time, but the two disorders are not considered the same.
Difficulty with basic reading and language skills are the most common learning disabilities. As many as 80% of students with learning disabilities have reading problems.
Common Learning Disabilities Include:
Auditory and Visual Processing Disorders – sensory disabilities in which an individual has difficulty understanding language despite normal hearing and vision.
Dyscalculia – a mathematical disability in which a person has a difficult time solving arithmetic problems and grasping math concepts.
Dysgraphia – a writing disability in which a person finds it hard to form letters or write within a defined space.
Dyslexia – a language-based disability in which a person has trouble understanding written words. It may also be referred to as reading disability or reading disorder.
Nonverbal Learning Disabilities – a neurological disorder which originates in the right hemisphere of the brain, causing problems with visual-spatial, intuitive, organizational, evaluative and holistic processing functions.